They are found in the Gulf of Mexico year-round and up the east coast to Virginia or further.
They live in coastal waterways near beaches, coral reefs, estuaries, bays, mangrove swamps, and around river deltas.
They are gray to brown on the back (dorsal) and white underneath (ventrally). They have a black tip to their dorsal and other fins. They have small eyes and a pointed snout. They are large sharks, weighing up to 220 pounds (100kg). They have a large tail with the upper lobe much bigger than the lower.
They form large groups and can swim very fast. They hunt on the ocean surface.
They eat fish mostly, but will also take crabs, squid, shrimp, and other sharks and stingrays.
Females give birth after about a year of gestation (sometimes less). They have on average 3-5 offspring (pups) in shallow nursery ground away from other adults in late spring or early summer.
They can live up to 15 years. They are listed as vulnerable.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Chondrichthyes
Order Carcharhiniformes
Family Carcharhinidae
Genus Carcharhinus
Species C. limbatus