They are found in Canada, Alaska, throughut the U. S. and into Mexico.
Bats live in wet places where insects breed. They live near ponds, lakes, swamps, and forests.
Bats in North America are small. The smallest of all is the little brown bat. It weighs just 1/4 of an ounce. The largest is the hoary bat that weighs up to 2 ounces.
Bats are active at night (nocturnal). Bats use a type of radar called — “echolocation.” This helps them to get around and hunt insects in the dark. The way it works is with sound. They make a high squeak and then listen to how that sound bounces off the things around them. That is how they can tell where things are. They sleep (roost) during the day in caves, trees or even attics. They sleep all winter because there are no bugs to eat. This is called hibernation. Their bodies slow down, so they can survive without eating. Bats can carry rabies.
They only eat insects like mosquitoes, moths and water insects (like mayflies).
Raccoons, hawks and snakes.
Female bats are pregnant for 50-60 days (gestation). They have 1 baby in the early summer. They are mammals and feed their babies milk.
They live for up to 30 years.
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Amsel, Sheri. "Bat (Insect Eating) of North America" Exploring Nature Educational Resource ©2005-2024. December 14, 2024
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