science education

The Rodent, the Bee, and the Brazil Nut Tree - Downloadable Only

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2023 Nautilus Book Award Gold Winner!
Gold Winner for illustrated, nonfiction children's books.

When living things work together, it can have spectacular results. We see this cooperation in the Amazon Rainforest between a shiny bee, a little rodent, a beautiful orchid, and a mighty Brazil nut tree. Because of their connection, tons of delicious Brazil nuts are enjoyed by people around the world. Yet, if just one of these living things disappears, Brazil nuts will not grow. Learn about this amazing relationship between animals and plants and what makes this special ecosystem thrive.

This beautifully illustrated, 46 page, soft cover, picture book tells a story that will entertain while teaching important concepts about the biological world around us. In the back of the book read more about the animals of the rainforest and try some games and activities to understand more about how plants and animals work together.